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Danville Montessori School administers the California
Achievement Test, Fifth Edition from CTB Macmillan/McGraw-Hill to all
third and fifth-grade students. Our classes routinely score in the 90th
National Percentiles. In 2002 our third grade scored in the 98th
National Percentile.
In reading the below charts note the Mean
National Stanine (MNS) and the Median National Percentile (MDNP), both
highlighted in gray. In years that our test group is less than ten
students the Median National Percentile value is not computed. However,
in looking at the National Stanine values within the context of the
chart the National Percentiles can be clearly inferred. Further
inference can be made in comparing the Mean Scale Scores (MSS) from one
year to the next.
In this way we can recognize the advanced
achievement of classes too small to receive a Median National
Percentile. For example, the 2001 fifth grade attained the highest
Stanine and Scale Score on the chart, but was too small to have their
National Percentile computed.
National Stanine (NS)
The National Staine is a scale
score that divides the scores of the norming sample into nine
groups, ranging from a high of 9 to a low of 1. Stanines 1-3 are
generally considered below average, Stanines 4-6 average, and
Stanines 7-9 above average. Stanines have a constant relationship
to Percentiles; that is a given Percentile always falls into the
same stanine. Stanine 5, for example, always includes Percentiles
Scale Score (SS)
The Scale Score, sometimes called a
"Growth Scale," describes growth in achievement that
typically occurs as a student progresses through the grades. The
higher the grade, the higher the expected Scale Score... Scale
Scores are used to derive the other norm-referenced scores.
Percentile (NP)
The National Percentile is the best
single score for describing achievement test results in a
meaningful way. The NP represents the percentage of students in
the norm group whose scores fall below a given student's scale
score. For example, a student whose NP is 65 scored higher than 64
percent of the students in the norm group. The 50th Percentile
represents the "National Average" at the time of the
norming: half of the norming sample scored above this point and
half below.
** The highest attainable National Percentile value
is 99.**
Danville Montessori Third Grade
CAT Scores (Total Battery)
National Stanine |
Scale Score |
National Percentile |
1998-1999 |
7.5 |
740.1 |
95.0 |
1999-2000 |
7.2 |
725.3 |
89.0 |
2000-2001 |
7.3 |
730.4 |
*** |
2001-2002 |
7.7 |
743.2 |
98.0 |
2002-2003 |
7.4 |
732.4 |
*** |
2003-2004 |
8.6 |
757.0 |
97.0 |
2004-2005 |
9.0 |
759.0 |
*** |
*** denotes less than
ten students tested, therefore the National Percentile for the group
is not computed.
Danville Montessori Fifth Grade
CAT Scores (Total Battery)
National Stanine |
Scale Score |
National Percentile |
1998-1999 |
tested this year |
tested this year |
tested this year |
1999-2000 |
tested this year |
not tested
this year |
tested this year |
2000-2001 |
8.7 |
792.0 |
*** |
2001-2002 |
7.8 |
767.9 |
91.5 |
2002-2003 |
8.0 |
780.3 |
*** |
2003-2004 |
8.3 |
787.7 |
*** |
2004-2005 |
8.0 |
780.7 |
*** |
*** denotes less than
ten students tested, therefore the National Percentile for the group
is not computed.